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Choosing the Right College for Military Veterans

Hey everyone, I'm a military veteran and I've finally decided to go to college. Are there any colleges that are particularly supportive for veterans, maybe in terms of scholarships or transition support?

5 months ago

Absolutely, and it's wonderful to hear about your college decision. As a veteran, many colleges would value your unique experiences and perspectives, and several institutions go above and beyond to accommodate their veteran student population.

Colleges with robust supports for veterans often participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program, which can provide additional funding above the GI Bill for qualifying students. For example, Georgetown University is an unlimited Yellow Ribbon school, covering all tuition and mandatory fees not covered by the GI Bill for eligible students. Other schools like Notre Dame and Columbia University offer significant Yellow Ribbon scholarships as well.

In terms of transition support, The Arizona State University's Pat Tillman Veterans Center provides resources to alleviate the transition from military life to civilian and academic life. They provide you with the tools necessary to apply for education benefits, in addition to other services like tutoring, mentorship, career services, and counseling.

Syracuse University also stands out: it houses the Institute for Veterans and Military Families, which focuses on the social, economic, educational, and policy issues affecting veterans and their families post-service.

Make sure to evaluate support services, financial aid opportunities, flexibility in scheduling (for part-time or online learning, if needed), and networking potential. It's also worth checking out student veteran clubs or associations on campus, which can provide additional peer support and help you feel more at home. Best of luck in your college journey!

5 months ago

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