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Are there any recommended military-friendly colleges in Michigan?

Hey everyone, I'm a rising junior considering the military and also plan to attend college at the same time. I live in Michigan and was wondering if you guys could point me to some colleges that are known to be military-friendly in Michigan. Thanks!

5 months ago

Absolutely, Michigan has several colleges with powerful programs supportive of military members. Here are a few to consider:

1. University of Michigan: Recognized as a top university for veterans, UM has a fully dedicated office for veteran and military students to assist in administering benefits, enrollment certification, and providing resources for academic success.

2. Michigan State University: MSU offers services like the Veterans Resource Center, which offers services like assistance with benefits, academic and career support, as well as numerous veteran-related events for networking and community building.

3. Central Michigan University: At CMU, they have the Military and Veterans' Resource Center that provides various resources, including help with veteran benefits, academic advising, and counseling services.

4. Eastern Michigan University: EMU is recognized as a veteran-friendly school. Their Military and Veteran Services office provides support for military students, including assistance with processing educational benefits.

5. Grand Valley State University: Known for its "Laker Veterans of Promise" initiative, the university is committed to offering a supportive campus environment to military-affiliated students.

When researching these schools, remember to reach out to their military and veteran services offices to ask about the benefits and support they offer. Discuss things like tuition assistance, on-campus resources, and credit for military training. Your choice will ultimately be influenced by your personal tastes, desired course of study, and the specific support systems each institution offers for military students. Good luck with your journey!

5 months ago

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