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How to request a transcript from Ohio State University?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior right now and working on my applications. One of the things I need is my official transcript from Ohio State University where I did a summer program last time. Does anyone know the process to get it? Appreciate any help!

6 months ago

Hello! To request an official transcript from Ohio State University, you will need to go through their Office of the University Registrar. Here's a step-by-step guide to how you can make this request:

1. Go to the Ohio State University's Office of the University Registrar's website.

2. In the menu, you'll find a section labeled "Services." Under that, click on "Transcripts."

3. On the Transcripts page, you'll find detailed instructions on how to order your official transcript. OSU provides electronic (PDF) and mailed (Paper) options for transcripts.

4. If you want to get an electronic version, you would choose the "Order PDF Transcript" option. If you prefer it mailed, you would click on the "Order Paper Transcript" button. Both buttons will redirect you to the online ordering system.

5. Once on the online ordering system, you'll need to log in using your BuckeyePass/Duo and OSU username.

6. Follow the steps there to complete your transcript order.Remember that ordering an official transcript usually costs a modest fee, so be prepared for that. Also, keep in mind that it might take some time to process, so plan accordingly and order it well in advance of any deadlines. I hope this helps! Good luck with your applications.

6 months ago

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