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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to request a transcript from UMD?

Hey all, I might need to request my transcript from UMD in the future for various reasons, what's the process for that? Couldn't find a clear procedure online.

6 months ago

The University of Maryland, College Park uses an online system for transcript requests. Here's a general set of instructions but always verify them on UMD's Registrar website.

1. Go to the University of Maryland website and navigate to the Registrar or Student Services section. Once there, you should see an option for "Transcripts".

2. You'll be directed to an online ordering portal. If you're currently enrolled, you can access this via your student account page.

3. Once you've navigated to the transcript request page, you'll need to follow the prompts to fill in necessary information such as your student identification number, birthdate, and the address or institution where you would like the transcript sent.

4. Note that there may be fees associated with ordering your transcripts, usually per transcript. The fees can be paid online using a debit or credit card.

5. Ensure that all the information you've provided is correct before submitting your request. Following your submission, you should receive a confirmation email verifying your request.

You should also have the option to select electronic or paper delivery, and rush delivery may be available for an additional fee.

Remember: Official transcripts are often sent directly to the institution or individual requesting it (job, grad school, etc.). If you need a copy for personal use, you may want to request an unofficial transcript instead, which often can be downloaded from your student account directly.

This process may slightly differ based on whether you are a current student or an alumnus, so always check UMD's specific policies and contact their Registrar office if you have any uncertainties.

6 months ago

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