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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can someone share their experience on whether CLEP exams are generally easy to pass?

I'm looking into the CLEP exams as a way to save on college credits, but I'm not sure what to expect. If any of you guys have taken multiple CLEP exams, could you share whether they're relatively easy to pass or if they require an intense amount of studying?

11 months ago

Hey there! The difficulty of CLEP exams can really vary by subject, and also depends on how familiar you already are with the material. For instance, if you took multiple U.S. History courses, including electives on more niche topics within that broad subject, you'll likely find that exam easier than the chemistry one if you only took the minimum one required year of chemistry.

Using the official CLEP study guides and taking practice tests available is often really helpful in gauging your readiness, which in turn helps you allot your study time effectively as you preparer. In a subject you already feel confident in, you'll likely want to brush up a bit on finer details you may have forgotten, but probably don't need a super intense study schedule. For subjects you've struggled in, on the other hand, setting up a stricter study regimen for yourself could definitely be worthwhile.

Best of luck!

11 months ago

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