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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Insights about GA Military College

Does anyone have experiences or insights about GA Military College? I'd like to know about the programs they offer, campus life, and what makes it unique. Is it competitive to get into?

3 months ago

Georgia Military College, commonly known as GMC, is a unique institution with a distinct focus on character development and leadership. It's not just a college, but also a junior college and a prep school, providing opportunities for a wide range of students.In terms of academic offerings, GMC provides a variety of Associate degree programs in fields like Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Cybersecurity, and Logistics Management, just to name a few. Alongside these programs, GMC provides cadets with military training. This dual-focus makes for a rigorous but rewarding experience.

What marks GMC as distinct is its emphasis on the individual character growth of its students. The college believes in creating global citizens with strong values of duty, honor, and country.

As for campus life, GMC is a small, tight-knit community. This fosters a strong sense of camaraderie among students, whether they are cadets or civilian students. Many students have commended the disciplined environment and the opportunity to develop leadership skills that are integral to a career in the military.

Now, regarding admissions, GMC has an open admissions policy, which means they accept any student who has a high school diploma or GED, regardless of their grades or test scores. However, admission does not necessarily guarantee acceptance into all programs, some of which may have additional requirements. The competitive nature thus mainly revolves around the degree programs and not so much the admission to the college.

Overall, GMC offers a unique blend of military discipline with academic rigor that prepares its students for both military and civilian careers. If you are considering a path associated with duty and leadership, it could be an excellent choice for you.

3 months ago

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