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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Wooster College Acceptance Rate

Hi, I'm just starting to look into Wooster College. Can someone provide some information on Wooster's acceptance rate and general competitiveness?

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help. The College of Wooster has a somewhat selective admissions process. As of the last reported year, Wooster's acceptance rate stood at roughly 55%.While not overwhelmingly competitive and selective like an Ivy League institution, Wooster does seek students who demonstrate academic promise and strength. Admissions officers also value students who have a record of involvement in extracurricular activities and have demonstrated passion and leadership in their areas of interest.Keep in mind that although the acceptance rate can give a general sense of a school's competitiveness, it’s also important to consider other factors. For instance, the average SAT score of admitted students, the average high school GPA of admitted students, and the school's yield rate (the percentage of admitted students who choose to attend) can also provide valuable context.Lastly, a holistic view of the application, which incorporates elements such as essays and letters of recommendation, might also contribute to an applicant's attractiveness to Wooster.

3 months ago

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