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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Curious about Harvey Mudd's Rankings

Hey there, can anyone explain to me why Harvey Mudd, despite its solid reputation, is often ranked lower than some comparable institutions? Are there aspects of the ranking process that it doesn't do as well at?

3 months ago

While Harvey Mudd is known for its strong programs in STEM fields, college rankings often take many factors into consideration, which can influence where a school lands on the list.

Firstly, it's worth acknowledging that Harvey Mudd is quite selective, and this is reflected in its consistently high rankings in specific areas such as undergraduate engineering. However, one of the most significant factors to consider is that Harvey Mudd has relatively specialized offerings. While it excels in its niche areas (engineering, math, and science), it doesn't offer a wide breadth of majors compared to other institutions.

College rankings often emphasize a diversity of academic offerings and disciplines, leading to higher rankings for larger, comprehensive universities. Institutions like Harvey Mudd that focus on a certain academic area might rank lower overall, but still rank very highly within their areas of specialization.

Additionally, factors like financial resources, alumni giving rates, and faculty resources play a role in the ranking. Larger institutions might have more endowment per student, or a higher percentage of faculty with terminal degrees in their field, leading to higher scores in these areas.

Lastly, rankings could be influenced by subjective measures such as reputation amongst other academic professionals or high school guidance counselors. Factors like these introduce some degree of opinion into the ranking process and might not entirely align with an institution's academic quality or potential fit for a specific student.

In conclusion, while Harvey Mudd might not always rank at the top overall, it is highly respected, especially in its areas of focus. Remember, rankings should only be one of many factors when considering where to apply or attend. What matters most is finding a college that aligns with your academic and personal interests and goals.

3 months ago

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