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Understanding the Military College Fund

Hey, everyone. I've heard a little about something called the Military College Fund. Could someone please explain what this fund is and how it benefits students who want to serve? Would it cover my whole tuition, or just part of it? Thanks!

3 months ago

Hello! The Military College Fund, often referred to as the Army College Fund or Navy College Fund, among others depending on the branch, is an additional benefit provided by certain branches of the United States Military to aid servicemen and servicewomen in paying for their college education. When a servicemember enlists, they may be eligible to contribute to the fund, which then augments the standard Montgomery GI Bill benefits.

The amount you might receive from the Military College Fund, and its impact on your tuition fees, depends primarily on the length of your enlistment contract and your job specialty (MOS). Longer contracts and jobs in high-demand fields typically equate to more money for college.

It's important to note that the funds from the Military College Fund do not typically cover the entirety of college tuition. However, it does significantly supplement the education benefits offered through the Montgomery or Post-9/11 GI Bills. These programs pay tuition directly to the school and also provide a monthly housing allowance and a stipend for books and supplies. In addition, the tuition assistance program can be leveraged while on active duty to pay for tuition without using your GI Bill benefits.

As you consider your military career and college education, remember to review all available benefits, which can be an excellent way to help finance an education while serving your country. Lastly, requirements and terms differ among military branches, so it's a good idea to connect with a military recruiter who can provide more specifics based on your situation.

3 months ago

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