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How does A&M treat AP Credit?

Hey guys, I've been cranking out some AP classes throughout my high school journey and I'm wondering how A&M handles credit for them. Do they accept all kinds?

3 months ago

Texas A&M University accepts AP credits in many subject areas based on the specific score received on the AP exam. In most cases, a score of 3 or higher is required to earn credit, but some courses might require a higher score for credit. For example, for Calculus BC, a score of 3 earns you MATH 151, but a score of 4 or 5 earns you both MATH 151 and MATH 152.

Bear in mind that how the credits are applied can also depend on your chosen major. For instance, AP credits earned in Biology might meet elective requirements for a Business major, while they could fulfill core course requirements for a Biology major.

You can find a comprehensive list of AP credit policies on the Texas A&M University website, showing accepted AP classes, the scores needed, and the specific Texas A&M course to which the credit is equivalent.

Just remember that while AP credits can help you earn college credit and potentially graduate earlier, you should balance your course load so as not to compromise grades and other aspects of your high school experience. The curriculum at Texas A&M is rigorous and knowing you can handle the workload in advanced classes will give you confidence going into your first year of college.

Remember also that the admission team at Texas A&M will be looking at your overall high school profile, not just your collection of AP scores, when making admission decisions. They want to see evidence of diligence and commitment, which can be demonstrated through a balance of academic rigor and extracurricular involvement. So, while getting credits through AP course work can be a great way to get ahead, it is not the only thing colleges are looking at.

3 months ago

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