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Aeronautics or Aerospace engineering?

I've been oscillating between aeronautics and aerospace engineering for my college major. Can anyone share their thoughts on the differences and similarities?

3 months ago

Aeronautics and aerospace engineering are similar fields, but they have a few key differences. Their similarities lie in the fact that they both deal with the theory, technology, and practice of flight. They are both involved with the design and development of aircraft.The main difference between these two fields is the scope: aeronautics is generally focused on flight within the Earth's atmosphere while aerospace engineering covers not only that but also extends to the design and development of spacecraft and operations beyond the Earth's atmosphere, hence in space.

A major in aeronautics would cover topics like aerodynamics, propulsion systems, structuring and materials used in flight vehicles, or avionics, which is a blend of aviation and electronics. The subjects would be targeted towards flight within Earth's atmosphere.

On the other hand, an aerospace engineering degree would cover all these topics but also expands its syllabus to include subjects that deal with the harsh environments of space. This may include topics like thermodynamics, orbital mechanics, and even robotics.If your interest lies in working with aircraft, helicopters, drones that operate within the atmosphere then aeronautical engineering is a good choice. However, if you are intrigued by space exploration, satellite technology, design, and development of rockets and space shuttles, then aerospace engineering would be a better fit.But remember, the difference can be subtle, and the choice really depends on your interests and long-term career goals. It's also important to note that the coursework can vary significantly between colleges, so it's essential to do your research in the specific programs at the schools you're considering.

3 months ago

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