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Studying past AP Physics FRQs: Worth it?

Hey, I'm currently studying for the AP Physics exam and would like to know: Has anyone found it beneficial to go over past FRQs? If so, how much improvement did it bring in your final score?

3 months ago

Sure, tackling past Free Response Questions (FRQs) is certainly a helpful study strategy for the AP Physics exam. They're ideal for assessing your understanding of the different concepts, and your ability to apply them to various situations, both of which are crucial when preparing for the exam.The CollegeBoard, which administers the AP exams, has a repository of past FRQs on its website which can serve as valuable refresher tools. They even come with scoring guidelines and sample responses so you can even self-evaluate your performance.

The improvement one sees from practicing past FRQs would widely vary based on individual performance, preparation level, and familiarity with the subject matter. However, many students have noted that it significantly boosts their overall confidence when it comes to tackling the actual exam.

Moreover, regular practice with past FRQs can help you become more familiar with the exam format and the style of questions—one important benefit being the ability to manage your time better during the actual exam.

Remember to review the topics where you struggled in the FRQs. This will have the dual effect of polishing your weaknesses and preparing you for other questions on those topics.Let's underline, though, that increasingly understanding and mastering the topics via classwork, readings and practice is what will improve your score; the past exam FRQs are just an effective tool to aid in achieving that mastery. Achievement arises from strong understanding, not from rote memorization of past questions. Good luck with your AP Physics exam!

3 months ago

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