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SAT: 720 math
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Chances at ASU Nursing Program?

Hi there! I've been looking into Arizona State University's nursing program and I was wondering if any of you have info on its acceptance rate? I'm trying to figure out how competitive it is to better gauge my chances.

3 months ago

Indeed, Arizona State University (ASU) has a reputable nursing program. Although ASU as a whole has an acceptance rate around 85%, bear in mind that the College of Nursing and Health Innovation is a more competitive program. While the exact acceptance rate for the nursing program isn't publicly available, it's generally understood to be lower due to the competitiveness of the program and the limited spots available each year.

To increase your chances, you'll want to focus on strong academics, particularly in the science fields like biology and chemistry that are relevant to nursing. For instance, maintaining a high GPA, more so in your sciences courses, will be beneficial.Additionally, relevant extracurricular activities such as volunteering in a health clinic, hospital, or any healthcare environment would also be advantageous as they show your commitment and passion towards the field of nursing.

Lastly, a well-articulated personal statement that demonstrates your dedication to the nursing profession, illustrates your experiences, and expresses your perspective on healthcare could help set you apart from other applicants.

Remember that admissions decisions are holistic; they consider all parts of your application, rather than just one aspect. Strive for a balanced application with strong academics, meaningful extracurriculars, and powerful narrative in your personal statement to give yourself the best chance.

3 months ago

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