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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Bellevue College Acceptance Rate

Yo folks, looking for some stats on Bellevue College. Specifically, I want to know their acceptance rate. I've heard varied things and just want to clarify. Thanks for the help!

3 months ago

Hello! Bellevue College is a public, open-admission institution. This essentially means they allow any student to enroll who has a high school diploma or GED, provided they complete the necessary application process. There aren't competitive acceptance rates like you'd find at selective four-year colleges or universities.

That being said, certain programs within the college, such as their Nursing or Radiation Therapy programs, might have more specific requirements and thus, do have their own "acceptance rates" based on the number of applicants versus the number of available spots.

Keep this in mind when considering your specific course of study!

3 months ago

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