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Which textbook should I use for AP Comparative Government?

So, I've decided to self-study for the AP Comparative Government exam this year. I'm honestly a little overwhelmed with the number of textbooks available. Can anyone recommend one that they found especially helpful or comprehensive?

3 months ago

While there are indeed a variety of textbooks for AP Comparative Government out there, many students find "Essentials of Comparative Politics" by Patrick H. O'Neil to be a comprehensive and user-friendly resource for this course. Its strength lies in providing detailed and thorough explanations of concepts, while being well-structured and easy to follow.

That being said, "Introduction to Comparative Politics" by Mark Kesselman, Joel Krieger, and William A. Joseph can also be a great choice due to its engaging narrative style. It covers key themes and provides country-specific chapters that can be insightful.

Remember, it's not only about the textbook but also about how you use it. Complementing your study with online resources and practice exams can really help deepen your understanding. Using online platforms like CollegeBoard's AP Classroom resources or quizlets can also be quite beneficial - you can get additional multiple-choice and free-response questions to practice.

As always, before buying any of these books, check if your school library or local library has them available for you to borrow, to save money. Good luck with your studies!

3 months ago

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