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In search of military-friendly colleges in Washington state?

Hey everyone, I'm an 11th grader considering a path that combines the military and college. I reside in Washington state. Can anyone suggest schools here that are particularly supportive of military students? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

Sure, Washington state is indeed home to several institutions recognized for their notable support to military students. An important measure is whether a school takes part in the Yellow Ribbon Program, which can offer extra financial assistance to veterans.

1. University of Washington (UW): Notably, UW takes part in the Yellow Ribbon Program, and it offers a Veterans Education Benefits Office to help navigate the college experience. They support current and past service members, and their families, with a variety of services like help with the process of receiving educational benefits, scholarships, and resources.

2. Washington State University (WSU): WSU also participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program. It has a dedicated resource called the Veterans Affairs Office that provides advisement and access to resources for student veterans and their dependents.

3. Eastern Washington University (EWU): EWU is a participant in the Yellow Ribbon Program as well. Their Military and Veteran Services center has trained staff to assist military-affiliated students in navigating the application and enrollment processes.

4. Central Washington University (CWU): Through its Veteran’s Center, CWU is committed to helping military students with enrollment, course choice, and access to scholarships and financial aid.

Just keep in mind, it's always a good idea to contact these institutions directly to inquire about the specific services they provide to military students. This can give you insight into which school's community and resources will best align with your needs as a military-affiliated student.

3 months ago

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