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List of military colleges with football teams?

Hi everyone, I'm a high school rising junior and big on football, but also considering a military college. Are there any military colleges that also have decent football programs? Need to find the best of both worlds here!

3 months ago

Certainly! Some military institutions certainly do field competitive football teams. Here are some:

1. United States Naval Academy (Navy): This institution, located in Annapolis, Maryland, is widely recognized for its top-notch athletics, including its football team, who play in the NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS).

2. United States Military Academy (Army): Located in West Point, New York, the Army's football team also competes in the NCAA Division I FBS. The Army-Navy game is a historic rivalry and highlight of the season every year.

3. United States Air Force Academy (Air Force): This academy, based in Colorado, has a football team that also competes in the NCAA Division I FBS.

4. Virginia Military Institute (VMI): VMI's football team competes in the NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision (FCS).

5. The Citadel: Located in South Carolina, The Citadel also has a fairly strong football team that competes in the NCAA Division I FCS.

Keep in mind, while these football programs offer great opportunities, attending a military academy also comes with a full commitment to serve after graduation. Balancing academics, military commitments, and athletics can be challenging, but it can also be a rewarding experience if you're truly passionate about it. Hope this helps with your decision-making!

3 months ago

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