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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is late submission possible on the Common App?

Hey all! I'm a bit nervous here - do you think the Common App allows you to submit your application after the official deadline has passed, or is that a hard no-go? I hope it doesn’t come to that, but just prepping for all scenarios.

a year ago

As a matter of policy and fairness, the Common Application strictly enforces the application deadlines set by each college or university. So, in general, it's a hard no-go. Colleges use these deadlines to manage the thousands of applications they receive, and it would be chaotic if they allowed submissions at any time.

However, extenuating circumstances sometimes arise, and in very rare cases, a school may extend their deadline due to natural disasters or other significant events like a death in the family, but this is the exception and not the rule. In the case of a natural disaster, ensure to keep an eye on email notifications from schools you've applied to, as they'll likely communicate any such rare exceptions directly.

The safest and most reliable strategy, though, is to aim to submit your application well in advance of the deadline—ideally a couple of days at least. This way, you avoid last-minute technical difficulties or other unforeseen issues. Start organizing your application materials ahead of time, and if you're feeling time pressure, reach out to your counselor for help to make sure everything's in order well before the due date.

Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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