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TAMU AP credits - how they work?

I'm considering applying to TAMU and I have several AP credits. I heard that TAMU accepts AP credits but I'm not sure about the specifics. Any current/past students who can explain how it works over there would be massively helpful.

7 months ago

Texas A&M University (TAMU) does indeed accept AP credits, and scores required and credits awarded often vary based on the specific class in question. Generally, to receive credit, you'll need to get a score of 3 or above on almost all tests, but for some, a higher score may be required.

For instance, to get credit for PHYS 201 and 202, one needs a score of 4 on the Physics C: Mechanics and Electricity and Magnetism exams, respectively. You'd receive 4 credits per class, for a total of 8 semester credit hours if you get the necessary score on both exams.

It's worth noting that using AP credit for core classes can sometimes help you skip introductory courses and even satisfy degree requirements. But before doing this, it's often a good idea to talk to your academic advisor once you arrive at TAMU to make sure that you're using your credits in the most beneficial way. It's also not a bad idea to consult the academic department directly if you have specific questions about your intended major and how your AP credits would apply, because some departments may have specific requirements or recommendations.

Remember, your official AP scores need to be sent directly from the College Board to Texas A&M University in order for you to receive credit. The institution code for Texas A&M University for the College Board is 6003.

For a more comprehensive list of the AP exams accepted and the scores required for each, you can check out TAMU's undergraduate catalog which has a detailed AP Credit chart.

7 months ago

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