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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Waitlisted at UC Berkeley?

Hey all, just found out that I've been waitlisted at UC Berkeley. I'm feeling pretty anxious about it, to be honest. Does anyone know what the chances are of being accepted from the waitlist, or have any advice on how to improve my odds?

5 months ago

Hey there. First of all, congratulations on being waitlisted. While it's not the acceptance letter you were hoping for, it's definitely not a rejection either. UC Berkeley sees something in your application that they like.

Let me break it down for you. The number of admitted students from Berkeley's waitlist can fluctuate greatly from year to year, so it's hard to pin down an accurate statistic. However, generally speaking, a certain number of admitted students will decline Berkeley's initial offer, thereby creating openings for students on the waitlist.

In terms of improving your odds, it helps to re-affirm your interest in the school. You can write a Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI), in which you provide updates about your academic or extracurricular achievements since submitting your application, and reiterate your interest in attending if admitted. However, make sure not to bombard the admission office with correspondences. One carefully written, thoughtful letter is more impactful than numerous emails or calls.

Remember, though, to have a backup plan. Even while hoping for good news from Berkeley, make sure to accept an offer from another school by May 1st to secure your spot. If you get off the Berkeley waitlist later, you can always change your plans. Good luck!

5 months ago

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