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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Help with WashU CSS Code

Hey everyone, I'm currently working on my application for WashU. I bumped into something called a 'CSS Code'. Can someone please explain what this is and why it's important?

5 months ago

Sure, happy to help you with this! The CSS Profile is not coding-related—instead, it stands for the College Scholarship Service Profile. It's an online application form that some colleges and universities use to determine your eligibility for non-federal financial aid. This is via institutional grants, loans, and scholarships maintained by the individual school you're applying to.

WashU is one of the institutions that requires the CSS Profile. This profile can help the college better understand your financial situation and come up with a more precise aid award.

The 'CSS Code' you're referring to is likely the unique four-digit number assigned to each college or program that uses the CSS Profile. This code lets College Board know which schools you want to send your information to – in this case, for WashU, the code is 6929.

Remember to carefully fill out the CSS profile since it can have a significant effect on your financial aid package. Each college may have their own deadline for the CSS Profile, so ensure you look up and adhere to those deadlines.

Hope that clarifies it for you! Happy to help with any further questions.

5 months ago

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