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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What should I take with me to the ACT?

My ACT exam is coming up soon and I want to make sure I'm as prepared as possible. One thing I still need to figure out, what are the essentials that I should bring with me to the ACT exam?

5 months ago

Firstly, a valid photo ID is essential. Without it, you won't be allowed to take the test. An ACT Student Identification Form with a recognizable photo, a school ID from the current school year, or a current official photo ID are all acceptable.

Secondly, you'll absolutely need an approved calculator. Although the ACT includes some non-calculator segments, having a calculator at hand for the portions of the exam that permit calculator use can be a big help.

You'll have to bring your ACT admission ticket, which you can print out after you have registered for the test online. This contains important information like your test center location and reporting time.

Number 2 pencils (not mechanical) and erasers are necessary as well. The test is still taken on standardized bubbles sheets, so make sure to have more than one in case a pencil breaks or wears down.

You might also want to bring a watch (without an audible alarm) to help you manage your time during the test. Remember that you won't be permitted to use your cell phone to check the time, and test centers may not have clocks.

Lastly, you might want to pack a small snack and a water bottle for your break. Keep these in a clear plastic bag, as some testing centers might not allow opaque tote bags. Good luck with your exam!

5 months ago

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