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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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NYU meaning — asking for clarity

Hey guys, I've been interested in NYU for a while now, but I'm a little tripped up. At first, I thought I know what NYU stands for but over time I've heard a few different interpretations? Can anyone here clarify what does NYU actually stands for? Thanks!

5 months ago

Hi, happy to clarify this for you! NYU is an acronym for New York University. It's a private research university located in New York City, specifically in the heart of Manhattan. The university has multiple schools and colleges under its umbrella, offering a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs. The different interpretations you might have heard probably refer to the many different schools within NYU, such as the Stern School of Business or the Tisch School of the Arts, among others. But in the end, NYU just stands for New York University. I hope this clears up your confusion!

5 months ago

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