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Any advice for a pre-med student at Penn State?

Hey folks, I'm a junior who's considering Penn State for pre-med. Has anyone here had any notable experiences with their program? I've heard it's pretty challenging; what kind of workload should I expect?

5 months ago

Penn State has a solid pre-med program, and the coursework you'll need to take is indeed rigorous, but manageable with careful time management. Typically as a pre-med student, you'll be taking foundational science courses like biology, chemistry, physics, as well as select upper-division science courses and typically some math/statistics too. Keep in mind, though, many pre-med students also pursue a major in a non-science field, so you'll likely have coursework in that area too.

The most successful pre-med applicants often have a good balance between their coursework, MCAT prep, extracurricular activities, internships, volunteering, as well as self-care. Keep in mind, quality is more important than quantity when it comes to your activities. Medical schools are looking to see depth and longevity in your involvement, not just a laundry list of roles.

Penn State also offers opportunities for research and internships which are incredibly beneficial for pre-med students. In fact, many students have found these experiences to be transformative and important in their medical school applications.

When it comes to workload, it's definitely going to be intensive. Balancing rigorous courses, MCAT prep, and maintaining a high GPA can be demanding. It's important to develop strong study habits early on and to know when to ask for help if you're feeling overwhelmed. Make good use of the university's academic resources, like tutoring services and academic advising.

In terms of MCAT prep, start preparing earlier rather than later. Practice with sample questions and take full-length practice tests to gauge your readiness. You might want to consider taking a lighter course load during the semester that you'll be studying for the MCAT.

Lastly and most importantly, I'd recommend taking some time to ask yourself if medicine truly is the path for you. Speak to professionals in the field, shadow doctors, volunteer in healthcare settings, and ensure that you're heading down this route due to a genuine passion for it, not just because it's expected of you. This determination and passion for healthcare is essential to make the demanding journey through pre-med and medical school successful.

5 months ago

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