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Do colleges offer discounts for active military?

Hi everyone, I'm pondering over my future choices and military service is one of them. I heard that some colleges offer active military discounts, is that true? Does anybody have detailed information?

3 months ago

Yes, many colleges do indeed have discounts and financial aid opportunities specifically tailored for active duty military members, veterans, and their families. This typically falls under the category of military tuition assistance (TA) programs. The exact details can vary significantly from institution to institution, so it's crucial to research each school's policy individually.

For instance, some institutions offer tuition discounts to active duty military members, while others have specific scholarship programs dedicated to veterans or their dependents. Many colleges and universities also participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program, which can supplement the Post-9/11 GI Bill to cover all tuition and fees at some private institutions.

In addition to tuition assistance, many schools have Veteran Centers or staff members dedicated to supporting military-affiliated students. They can provide invaluable guidance and resources as you navigate college applications, enrollment, and coursework.

Remember that the federal government itself offers several education benefits for military members as well, such as the GI Bill (Post-9/11 and Montgomery), Tuition Assistance program, and others. You should get in direct contact with the financial aid office in your desired colleges to learn more about the school-specific benefits and with a local recruiter or military education office to learn more about federal opportunities.

As always, it is important to check directly with the specific schools you're interested in, since programs and benefits can change and vary from one institution to the next. However, generally speaking, the answer to your question is yes – many colleges do offer specific discounts for active military members, veterans, and often their dependents as well.

3 months ago

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