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Understanding Lehigh University's Financial Aid

Hi guys. Currently a rising junior and looking into Lehigh University as one of my options for college. College fees are one of my major worries. Does anybody have info about how generous Lehigh is with financial aid? How was your experience negotiating your financial aid package?

5 months ago

Lehigh University is known for being reasonably generous with financial aid. They meet 100% of demonstrated need for all admitted students, which is indeed a great commitment. They determine your demonstrated need based on the information you provide in your FAFSA and CSS Profile. The school's financial aid package typically includes a combination of grants, loans, and work-study opportunities.

Now, let's talk about negotiation or appealing your financial aid package. Lehigh, like many other colleges, does have a process for financial aid appeal. If your family's financial situation has changed significantly since you submitted your financial aid applications or there were some extenuating circumstances that weren't taken into account, then you can submit an appeal. You would need to provide documentation that supports your request.

Keep in mind, though, that an appeal is no guarantee of additional aid, and it should be used as a tool when there's a real need, not as a negotiation tactic. It is also crucial to remember that financial aid decisions are often made on a fund-available basis so it can be beneficial to submit your request as early as possible.

Remember to use the net price calculator ( to estimate your potential financial aid package. It's not going to be 100% precise, but it will give you a general idea.

Just a note: Every financial aid package is unique and will vary based on individual circumstances, so your experience might be different from others. So it's always best to reach out directly to Lehigh's financial aid office with any specific questions or concerns. They can provide the most accurate and pertinent information. Good luck!

5 months ago

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