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Top BSN programs in the US

Hi guys, currently I'm in my Junior year and I'm seriously considering nursing as a career. I've heard the BSN degree is a good way to start in this field. Can anyone tell me about the top BSN programs in the US - their prerequisites, program length, cost? Also, how competitive are their admissions?

5 months ago

Indeed, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is an excellent pathway for those considering a career in nursing. Here are a few top BSN programs alongside their prerequisites, program length, approximate cost, and competitiveness.

1. University of Pennsylvania (Penn) - Penn's Nursing Science BSN program typically requires four years to complete. Admissions can be quite competitive, with an acceptance rate of around 8%. Prerequisites include classes in Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, and Statistics. The cost of the program is approximately $60,000 per year, but Penn does offer generous financial aid packages.

2. Duke University - The Duke University School of Nursing offers an accelerated BSN program which can be completed in 16 months. You would need to complete prereqs in Anatomy, Physiology, Stats, and other sciences before applying. The program is highly competitive, with an acceptance rate of approximately 11%. The estimated total cost for the program is around $87,000.

3. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - UCLA's BSN program generally takes four years to complete. To apply, you need to have completed certain prerequisites, including English, Math, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Microbiology, and Human Anatomy, among others. UCLA's acceptance rate for the program is around 25%. The yearly cost for California residents is roughly $13,000, but for non-residents, it can go up to $42,000.

4. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - UMich's BSN program takes four years to complete if you're starting as a freshman. They require common prereqs like Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, and Microbiology. The program is moderately competitive with an acceptance rate of around 38%. In-state tuition is approximately $15,000 per year, and out-of-state tuition is roughly $51,000.

Remember, these costs can be reduced through financial aid, scholarships, and work-study programs. Developing a strong profile with a good GPA, robust extracurricular involvement (like volunteer work in healthcare), and excellent recommendation letters can maximize your chances of admission into these competitive programs.

5 months ago

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