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URI Nursing acceptance rate info?

I'm trying to figure out how competitive the nursing program is at University of Rhode Island. Having some trouble locating their acceptance rate online. Can anyone help me out?

7 months ago

Finding acceptance rates for specific programs within a university can sometimes be a bit challenging, especially for programs like nursing that may have separate admission processes. The University of Rhode Island (URI) doesn't openly publish its acceptance rate for their nursing program on their website, which might be why you're having difficulty finding it, but only about 180 first-year students are enrolled in the College of Nursing each fall. With about 3,300 first-year students, this comes out to a rate of 5.45%.

Moreover, the quality of your application – including your science GPA, overall GPA, observations hours, references, and interview performance (if applicable) – will be pivotal. A commitment to healthcare shown through your extracurricular activities and personal essay can also make a significant difference.

When in doubt, reaching out directly to the admissions office can be a good way to gather more information. They can potentially provide specifics about the average GPAs, test scores, and other qualifications of previously admitted nursing students. It may not give you an exact acceptance rate, but it should provide a solid benchmark for the type of student profile they're looking for in successful candidates. Good luck!

7 months ago

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