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UCSB Events

Hey, currently a junior considering UCSB and I was wondering, what are the major campus events throughout the year? How's the social scene and how do they handle major events? Any info would be appreciated, thanks!

5 months ago

Sure, happy to provide some insight. One of the big annual events at UCSB is Extravaganza, a large free concert for students held by Associated Students Program Board. This is usually a full day event and has featured well-known artists in the past.

Another unique UCSB tradition is the All Gaucho Reunion, a weekend-long series of campus-wide events that brings together UCSB alumni, students, faculty, and the local community. It's a great way for students to connect with alumni and learn more about different career paths.

UCSB also has Deltopia, a spring street party which in its early years attracted a large number of students and out-of-towners to Del Playa Drive in Isla Vista. Over recent years, the university and local authorities have implemented measures to ensure the event remains safe and local, including limiting live music and guest parking.

As for the social scene, UCSB is known for its active and role, with over500 student organizations to get involved in, ranging from environmental clubs to performing arts. While there are parties — it's a college, after all — UCSB is also home to many other social activities, including a vibrant arts scene. There are concerts, plays, and other performances regularly happening on campus.Big campus events are usually handled very professionally, with the safety of the students being the main priority. Planning for large events involves collaboration between various student and administrative bodies to ensure they run smoothly.Just remember, while social events and campus community are an important part of the college experience, it's essential to consider academic fit and other factors when deciding where to apply.

5 months ago

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