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UIUC average SAT - Does it matter?

I'm applying to UIUC and my SAT score is slightly below the average I found online. Should I be worried? Does UIUC consider the average SAT score as a strict cutoff, or do they consider the entire application holistically?

5 months ago

Generally speaking, having an SAT score below the average for admitted students at a university doesn't automatically disqualify your application, but it can make admission more competitive. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) practices holistic admissions, which means they consider the entire application when making admissions decisions, not just SAT scores.

That being said, your SAT score is still an important component of your application. While UIUC doesn't adhere to a strict SAT score cutoff, students who score within or above the middle 50% range of SAT scores will likely be more competitive in the admissions process. If your score is below the average, you can counterbalance this by demonstrating strengths in other areas of your application, such as your GPA, rigor of your high school coursework, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, and personal essays.

For example, if you're an accomplished musician and you're applying to UIUC's School of Music, your musical achievements, along with strong recommendations from your music teachers, could carry significant weight in your application, even if your SAT score is slightly below the average.

Bear in mind though, if you scored significantly below the middle50% range, it might be a good idea to retake the SAT if possible, or to consider other universities where your SAT score falls within or above the middle50% range. Regardless, a below-average SAT score is not a definitive barrier to admission. Deliberate attention to every component of your application can still help you to present a compelling case for your admission.

5 months ago

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