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SAT: 720 math
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Who knows which colleges need an art credit for admission?

Hey guys, I'm trying to map out my senior year classes and I'm not sure if I should take an art class. Do you know if there are any colleges that require an art credit for admission? I'm into STEM but don't want to miss out on a potential requirement!

a year ago

Happy to help out with your question! Generally speaking, the requirement for an art credit varies by college. Liberal arts institutions and some universities may require or recommend at least one credit in fine arts as part of a holistic education. However, for STEM-focused programs, the emphasis is typically on your math and science coursework. It's a good idea to check the admission requirements of the specific colleges you're interested in.

You can usually find this information on their admissions or academic pages. If you're still unsure, you could reach out directly to the admissions offices. Taking an art class could also be a nice break from your STEM-heavy schedule and allow you to explore another side of your interests, which can be appealing to admissions committees as well. Regardless, ensure you're meeting the core course requirements above all. Hope this helps as you plan your senior year!

a year ago

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