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Preparing for the French CLEP exam, any tips?

I'm considering taking the French CLEP exam and was wondering if anybody could offer some advice on study methods or materials that worked for them? Ideally looking for a study guide or some practice questions that give a sense of the actual exam. Anything that's comprehensive and as close to the real deal as possible would be amazing!

a year ago

Hey there! My son took the French CLEP exam last year, and he found a few strategies that really helped him ace it. He started with the basics, using apps like Duolingo to brush up on vocabulary and grammar. There's also a CLEP Official Study Guide that he said was a great resource because it includes practice questions similar to what you'll see on the exam. He also found it super helpful to join a study group online; this way, he could practice speaking French with others, which isn’t just about the grammar but the practical use of the language as well.

Closer to the test date, he took full-length practice exams – timing himself to get a real feel of the exam's pace. I'd recommend doing that to build up your test-taking stamina! Plus, remember to check out the College Board website; they often have some helpful materials. Also, YouTube has some fantastic instructional videos if you're a visual learner. Last but not least, he made sure to get his hands on some French novels and films - the immersion really helps in understanding the nuances of the language. Lots of practice and consistency were key for him, so keep at it, and bonne chance!

a year ago

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