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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Best online personal finance course for a high schooler?

Hello folks, I want to start being smart with money early, and since my school doesn't offer a personal finance class, I'm searching for a solid online course that I can add to my schedule. Any recommendations for a course that would also impress admissions officers because I've shown initiative in learning life skills?

a year ago

Hello! That's a fantastic initiative you're taking. My own kid went through a similar phase, wanting to learn more about personal finance. We discovered that many high-quality online learning platforms like Coursera and Khan Academy offer personal finance courses for free. What's great is that these courses can also provide certificates of completion which may add value when it comes time to apply for colleges. While admissions officers primarily look for academic rigor and extracurriculars when evaluating applications, showcasing self-driven learning in practical life skills can definitely help illustrate your drive and maturity.

Also, don't forget to check if your local community college offers any personal finance courses. My son took one during his summer break and it counted both as an extracurricular and a dual enrollment credit – a double win! Just make sure it doesn't overwhelm your schedule or spread your efforts too thin. Admissions offices look for depth over breadth, so quality and commitment to your interests is key. Keep an eye on that balance as you plan your activities!

a year ago

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