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SAT: 720 math
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Can taking a Principles of Engineering class in high school help my application?

I'm eyeing engineering programs for college and my high school offers a Principles of Engineering class. Would taking this class be beneficial for my college app, or should I stick to more traditional science classes? Thoughts?

a year ago

Absolutely! Taking a Principles of Engineering class can be a great addition to your high school curriculum, especially if you're planning on applying to engineering programs. It demonstrates to admissions officers not only your interest in the field but also that you are already building a foundation of knowledge in engineering. Taking this class will also provide you with an opportunity to explore and confirm your interest in engineering before committing to a major in college.

Additionally, it could offer you some unique experiences or insights to write about in your college essays. While it's certainly important to continue excelling in traditional science and math classes, which form the cornerstone of any engineering education, a specialized class such as Principles of Engineering can help to distinguish your application. Just make sure you're also balancing your course load to include the rigorous science and math courses that colleges will expect from an aspiring engineering student.

a year ago

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