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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the deal with drafting classes in high school? Are they worthwhile?

I came across a drafting class offered at my high school and I’m fascinated by architecture. Would taking that class be useful or look good on a college app?

a year ago

Absolutely, taking a drafting class can be an excellent way not only to deepen your understanding of architecture but also to showcase your passion for it on your college application. Since colleges are looking for students with specialized interests or 'spikes,' a drafting class complements your interest in architecture perfectly. For example, if you later apply to programs that have a focus on architecture, engineering, or design, this class would be directly relevant and could help you stand out.

Additionally, if your high school offers it as an advanced or honors class, that could also demonstrate to colleges your willingness to challenge yourself academically. Just make sure to keep a balance in your schedule so that you can still maintain strong overall academic performance.

Moreover, you could consider supplementing this class with related extracurriculars like internships or projects outside of school. This could strengthen your 'spike' and therefore make your application more compelling. Lastly, remember to reflect on what you learn in this class and potentially use those experiences to write meaningful college essays that further highlight your passion and depth of interest in architecture.

a year ago

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