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What college courses would be beneficial for a military career?

Hey guys, I'm a junior thinking about a military career post-high school. If I were to take college classes, which ones would be advantageous in the military? I'm open to any suggestions!

5 months ago

Whether your interest lies in physical professions, strategic roles, or technical specialties in the military, there are a variety of college courses that could be beneficial.

If you're interested in combat roles, courses related to physical education or sports science might provide valuable knowledge and skills, such as understanding human physiology and how to safely increase physical performance.

For those with an eye on leadership roles or strategic planning, consider courses in political science, international relations, or history. These classes often delve into international conflicts, the making of foreign policies, and the structure of different governments, all of which could give you valuable insights into geopolitical issues.

If you're considering a technical role in the military like IT, engineering, or communications, relevant courses in computer science, engineering, or communications could be beneficial. Knowledge from these disciplines is advantageous in roles that deal with the maintenance and development of military technology.

Courses in psychology, sociology or anthropology could also be beneficial, as they provide insight into human behavior and interpersonal dynamics, which is certainly useful in leadership roles and when working in teams.

While it's excellent to consider these class options, keep in mind every branch of the military has their own specific needs and job roles. A great next step might be reaching out to someone in the specific part of the military you're interested in or a career counselor with knowledge of the military. They may have suggestions about which courses would be most beneficial for that particular path in the military.

5 months ago

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