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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is BAH in relation to military state colleges?

Hey y'all, I've been hearing a lot about BAH and I know it's something military related, but how exactly does it apply to state colleges? How can it benefit a student like me who's interested in joining the military after graduation?

5 months ago

BAH, or Basic Allowance for Housing, is a U.S. military privilege given to many service members. It is an allowance intended to offset costs for a service member's housing when government quarters are not provided, allowing service members the ability to live in civilian communities if wished. The amount varies depending on the cost of living in specific locations, and whether the service member has dependents.

For instance, if you're a college student participating in a program like the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) and you decide to live off-campus, you might be eligible for BAH. Similarly, if you've already served in the military and you're attending state college under the Post-9/11 GI bill, you might qualify to receive BAH.

In both cases, the allowance goes directly to you and not to the institution. This benefit will help lower personal costs while attending school, allowing you to focus more on your studies. And as a future military service member, understanding and taking advantage of benefits like BAH can set you up for stronger financial stability down the road.

Remember always to check your eligibility for such benefits with your specific military program or a representative from your local recruiting office as details and qualifications might vary.

5 months ago

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