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Navigating College While Serving in the Military: Advice?

I'm currently serving in the military and was contemplating going to college simultaneously. Is it doable or even advisable to pursue both paths at the same time? Any tips for managing both responsibilities?

5 months ago

Balancing military service duties and college coursework can be challenging, yet it is entirely achievable with the right planning and time management skills. Numerous active-duty military personnel and veterans successfully undertake this journey each year, partaking in degree programs that not only enhance their personal skill sets but also potentially advance their military careers.

Before enrolling, carefully consider the time demands of both your service and academic pursuits. Traditional, full-time coursework might not fit well with your military schedule, particularly if you're subject to deployments or recurrent training. Online or part-time programs can offer more flexibility, enabling you to continue your education at a pace that suits your service commitments.

Work closely with your education officer or an academic advisor to choose a degree program and class schedule that fits your duties. Let your professor or instructors know your situation as well. They are usually very understanding and will try their best to make accommodations to ensure you succeed, particularly if your military duties may impact your coursework deadlines or availability for class.

Check out colleges that have support services or programs for military members or veterans. Such schools often understand the unique needs and circumstances of military students and have policies in place to accommodate them, such as offering course credit for military training or providing military-specific scholarships.

Utilize military education benefits, such as the Tuition Assistance (TA) Program or the GI Bill. These benefits can substantially offset the costs of higher education, making your college journey more financially achievable.

Lastly, make self-care a priority. Both military service and academic pursuits are demanding, and you need to ensure you are maintaining your physical health and mental wellness. Get adequate rest, engage in regular exercise, maintain a balanced diet, and seek out a strong support network to help manage stress levels. This will optimize your ability to effectively meet both your military and academic demands.

Remember, your military experience can contribute greatly to your academic success. Your discipline, organizational skills, perseverance, and multifaceted life experiences are all valuable assets in a classroom setting. You can certainly do this, with the right planning and approach, and enjoy the rewards of your hard work.

5 months ago

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