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Premed at Penn State

Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone had any experiences or insights about the premed track at Penn State. How intense is the program? Do they assist students well in preparation for med school applications?

5 months ago

Penn State is known for offering a robust premed track with a holistic approach to supporting students interested in medical careers. They do strive to provide extensive resources and programs to its premed students which many find very helpful.

The premed track itself can be rigorous, as is common in many universities, as it's designed to prepare students for medical school. You will be taking challenging prerequisite courses in the biological sciences, chemistry, physics, and more. These are rigorous courses, but they are in line with what most premed student experience as it is intended to prepare you for the intensity of medical school.

Beyond coursework, Penn State's Prehealth Advising Center offers a variety of pre-health workshops and events, including application help, career exploration workshops, and connecting with healthcare professionals. They can assist students with med school applications, including providing information about the application timelines and components, reviewing personal statements, and conducting mock interviews.

Penn State also offers extracurricular opportunities such as research positions, clinical experiences, and volunteering activities that are key to develop a competitive med school application. It's also beneficial that Penn State has its medical school - Penn State College of Medicine. It provides opportunities for interaction between undergraduate premed students and current medical students, fostering an environment where you can learn about the path to becoming a physician first-hand.

A sizable number of Penn State pre-med students go on to attend medical school each year, demonstrating the effectiveness of the program. But remember, your success will depend largely on your commitment and personal effort in addition to the resources provided by the school. Keep in mind, balancing your time will be crucial to your success.

5 months ago

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