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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Deadline for Princeton early application

Hi all, I've decided to apply early to Princeton, but I'm kind of confused about the deadlines. Can anyone clarify the difference between the early action and regular decision deadlines?

5 months ago

Sure, absolutely! Here's how Princeton's admission deadlines typically work:

- Early Action (Single-Choice): The deadline is normally November 1. By applying early action to Princeton, you're indicating that Princeton is your top choice. It isn't binding, which means that even if you're admitted, you don't have to commit until May 1, which is the National College Decision Day.

- Regular Decision: The deadline usually falls on January 1. If you apply by this date, you'll receive an admissions decision by early April.

The main difference between the two is essentially the timeline. With Early Action, you apply and hear back earlier, and if you're admitted, you have a longer period to mull over your enrollment decision. If you apply Regular Decision, you submit your application later and hear back later as well. But ultimately, the deadlines represent different application strategies, so go with the one that fits your situation best. I hope this helps!

5 months ago

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