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Providence College Scholarships

Hello guys, I'm starting to look into financial aid options for college, and I've read that Providence College offers various scholarships. Can anyone tell me more about these scholarships? Are they merit-based, need-based, or both? How competitive are they?

5 months ago

Sure, I'd love to shed some light on this topic. Providence College, similar to many institutions, indeed offers both need-based and merit-based scholarships. For merit scholarships, there are quite a few, and they're awarded to students based on their academic achievements in high school. No additional application is required for consideration - all freshman applicants are automatically considered when they apply for admission.

One of the most prestigious merit scholarships at Providence College is the St. Catherine of Siena Scholarship, which covers full tuition for four years. Recipients are typically among the top students in the applicant pool, exemplify a significant achievement in an area of interest, and demonstrate substantial promise for continued success in college. It's a rather competitive scholarship, as you'd expect, given the benefits it offers.

Need-based financial aid also exists, and this is where the FAFSA comes in. From federal, state, and institutional sources, Providence College uses the information from your FAFSA form to assess your eligibility for different kinds of aid.

All scholarships at Providence College are quite competitive but they significantly reduce the financial burden of attending college. So, even though it can be a rigorous process, I recommend that all eligible students apply and give it their best shot. Good luck!

5 months ago

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