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Understanding PSU's Grading System

Hey all, I've been accepted to Penn State University (PSU) and I'm pretty thrilled about it! However, I'm a bit confused about their grading system. Can anyone explain how it works? I'm curious about things like GPA scaling, grading norms, etc.

7 months ago

Congratulations on your acceptance to Penn State University (PSU)! Their grading system can be a bit different from what you might be used to, but it's not too complicated once you get the hang of it.

PSU uses a standard 4.0 scale for GPA calculation, similar to many other universities. Here's how the grade to GPA conversion works:

- An A (Excellent) is worth 4.0 points.

- A- value is 3.67.

- B+ value is 3.33.

- B (Good) is worth 3.0 points.

- B- value is 2.67.

- C+ value is 2.33.

- C (Satisfactory) is worth 2.0.

- D (Poor) is worth 1.0.

- F (Failure) is worth 0.0 and does not earn credits.

For courses graded on a pass/fail basis, you'll see a GN (Pass) or Z (Fail). These don't affect your GPA.

Although most professors follow a 10-point scale within each letter grade band (e.g., 90-100 for an A), grading norms can vary based on the individual professor's policies, so it's essential to check the syllabus for each class.

Additionally, GPA at PSU is rounded to two decimal places and isn't weighted, so an A in an honors course is worth the same as an A in a regular course. This can be a significant factor if you're considering taking advanced courses.

Lastly, note that IN (Incomplete) and NG (No Grade) could appear on your transcript under certain circumstances, like not finishing course requirements in the timeline, and these could have an impact on future semester registration or even financial aid.

I hope this helps you understand the PSU grading system. Enjoy your time at PSU!

7 months ago

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