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Work-Study Opportunities at Purdue

Hey guys, so I was wondering – does anyone have experience with the work-study program at Purdue? What kind of jobs are available, and how difficult is it to balance between studying and work? I'm trying to plan out my finances and any help would be great!

5 months ago


Finding the balance between studies and work-study can be challenging but not unmanageable. One of the keys is managing your time efficiently. Many students who participate in work-study programs find that they have to be more disciplined with their study times to ensure that everything gets done. One tip is to try to utilize the time throughout the day, such as in-between classes, to study or complete tasks.

As for the kind of jobs available, there's a range of options available at Purdue. These can include roles in campus facilities, administrative offices, research labs, campus dining services, and various academic departments. Some work-study student jobs might also require certain skills or coursework. For instance, if you've taken classes in a certain subject or have particular computer skills, you might be able to leverage that for positions in a matching department or a computing lab, respectively.

Take note that work-study is a form of financial aid and you'll need to demonstrate financial need via your FAFSA to qualify. If you're awarded work-study, the hours per week that you are allowed to work will be determined by your financial aid package.

Remember to start the search process early so you have plenty of time to apply to several positions and find one that fits you best. You'll want to take into consideration factors such as the work schedule, the location on campus, and if the job aligns with your interests or career goals. After all, apart from helping you with finances, work-study can also provide valuable work experience.

Best of luck planning out your finances and your potential work-study journey at Purdue!

5 months ago

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