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Recommended colleges for getting academic credit for my military service?

Hey guys! I'm going into the military after high school but I do want to go to college too. I've heard that some colleges give you academic credit for military service. Any recommendations on these types of colleges? Thanks in advance!

5 months ago

Absolutely, many colleges and universities do award academic credit for military training and experience, recognizing the knowledge and skills that students acquire during their service. This can save you a significant amount of time and money during your educational journey.

While it varies from school to school, most institutions use the American Council on Education's (ACE) recommendations to determine how many credits to award for military training. However, it's worth noting that the final decision on credit awards rests with each individual institution.

Perhaps one of the best-known schools for military students is the American Military University (AMU), a completely online institution that offers a flexible format particularly suited to active-duty personnel. AMU also accepts up to 64 semester hours in transfer credit for military training and experience.

Arizona State University is another military-friendly school that offers academic credit for military experience, especially for courses taken through the Defense Language Institute or military service schools. They provide reduced tuition rates for active military members and veterans as well.

The University of Louisville's program allows military students to earn credit in three different ways: military training evaluated by ACE, passing scores on DANTES/DSST exams, and credit by portfolio.

To ensure a smooth transfer of credits, it's critical that you obtain copies of your Joint Services Transcript (JST). This military transcript outlines all your military coursework and occupational training, which can be used by college admissions officers to award academic credits.

Remember to reach out to the veteran's affairs or military liaison office at the colleges you're interested in applying to, they will be able to provide specifics about that school's policy. Best of luck with your military service and eventual college journey!

5 months ago

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