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military career and college degrees - any recommendations?

Hey everyone, I've been exploring both the military and college route. I wanted to hear your recommendations on what college degrees might be most beneficial for someone considering a military career. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

5 months ago

Given your specific interest in a military career following a college degree, you might want to consider degree fields that align well with military roles. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Engineering: Soldiers and for that matter the military often utilize complex machinery, systems, and software. Hence having a robust understanding of these aspects could prove beneficial. Specific branches like Aerospace, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, and Computer Engineering could align with areas in the military.

2. Criminal Justice: This degree equips students with a deep understanding of legal systems and how society responds to crime, which could be crucial in a military role focused on intelligence, enforcement, or security.

3. Political Science/International Relations: Knowledge of geopolitics can be beneficial, particularly if you're interested in intelligence or diplomatic work within the military.

4. Physical Sciences: Subjects like Physics, Chemistry, or Biology hold value in a military context for roles ranging from ballistics experts to biological warfare analysts.

5. Cybersecurity/Information Technology: In today's digital age, cybersecurity and managing information systems are crucial, particularly for roles within military intelligence and defense.

6. Health Sciences: If you're leaning towards medical service in the military, a background in a health-related field could be ideal. You could even aim for a medical degree if you're interested in becoming a military physician.

Remember, your college major won't necessarily determine your role in the military, but can help guide and prepare you for specific paths within the military. Your officer training, military occupational specialty, and the needs of the service branch will play significant roles in your career. You might also want to look into Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs. These programs allow you to go to college while training to be a military officer, letting you integrate your academic and military careers seamlessly.

Keep in mind, speaking to a military recruiter or trusted individuals who are familiar with the military can give you better insights based on your personal interests and goals.

5 months ago

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