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How does work-study function at Purdue?

I could possibly attend Purdue, and I'm considering work-study as a way to manage my college costs. But I'm unsure about how the program works at Purdue. Can anyone fill me in on whether it's feasible and how to get the most out of it?

5 months ago

Work-study at Purdue University operates similarly to other institutions, and it's certainly an excellent way to help manage your college costs. Federal Work-Study is a program based on financial need that allows you to earn money by working part-time jobs, either on- or off-campus.

The first step is to indicate your interest in work-study when you fill out your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Purdue's Financial Aid office will then determine your eligibility based on your FAFSA information. If you receive a work-study award, it will be included in your financial aid package.

Keep in mind that the money you earn through work-study isn't directly applied toward your tuition. Instead, you'll receive a paycheck like any other job, which you can use as you see fit to cover expenses.

As for getting the most out of it, I'd suggest selecting a work-study job related to your field of study, if possible. This way, you can earn money while gaining valuable industry experience. Purdue posts work-study job opportunities on an online job board, so keep an eye on that for positions you might be interested in.

Lastly, it's important to maintain your academic schedule and responsibilities. While work-study is a fantastic resource, your primary goal in attending Purdue is to learn and succeed academically. Balancing your workload between your job and classes is crucial.

So, to summarize: work-study at Purdue entails illustrating financial need through your FAFSA, securing a work-study job from their listings, and balancing the responsibilities of both your job and your academic commitments.

5 months ago

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