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Internships Opportunities at Rice University for Sports Management Major

Yo gang, I'm super interested in Sports Management and I've heard good things about the program at Rice University. Does anyone know if Rice offers any stellar internships or job opportunities for Sports Management students?

5 months ago

Of course! Rice University does indeed offer robust opportunities for students interested in Sports Management.

In terms of internships, students have previously secured placements in a variety of organizations related to sports. These range from professional sports franchises, such as the Houston Rockets and Houston Dynamo, to larger entities like ESPN. There are also opportunities with nonprofit sports organizations and youth sports programs.

Furthermore, the Sports Management program at Rice emphasizes hands-on learning. For instance, undergraduate students often work with Rice Athletics and other local sports organizations for class projects or independent studies. This provides valuable real-world experience and networking opportunities in the field.

On a broader note, Rice's location in Houston is a significant plus. As the fourth-largest city in the U.S., Houston boasts numerous professional sports teams, media outlets, and related businesses—a vibrant hub for budding sports management professionals.

So yes, the opportunities are plentiful. As with any program, what you make out of it will largely depend on how proactive you are in seeking out these internships and experiences. The faculty and career center, too, are great resources for help navigating these opportunities. Hope this info helps!

5 months ago

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