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Help with RISD Application Deadline?

I'm interested in applying to the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) but I'm a bit lost with the application timelines. Can anyone tell me what the application deadline is and if there's a different deadline for portfolio submission? Thank you!

5 months ago

Sure, I can help with that! The Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) generally operates with two main application deadlines:

1. Early Decision Deadline: This typically falls in the early part of November (in years past, it was November 1st). If you're quite certain that RISD is your top choice, applying early decision can be a good idea. Just note that it is a binding agreement, meaning that if you're accepted, you're expected to attend RISD and withdraw other applications.

2. Regular Decision Deadline: For those aiming to apply under the Regular Decision, the deadline usually falls in the middle of January (previously it's been January 15th).

Regarding submission of the portfolio, the portfolio should be submitted by the application deadline, whether that's the Early Decision or Regular Decision deadline. In fact, RISD considers the portfolio a critical part of your application, so it's important not to leave it to the last minute.

These deadlines are based on previous years. To get the exact dates for the year you're applying, you should check the RISD website or reach out to their admissions office.

Also please check if the digital images, video, audio, and sketchbook contents of your portfolio are in accordance with RISD guidelines prior to submission—this can help you avoid any hiccups in the application process. Good luck with your application!

5 months ago

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