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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on Rockefeller University Summer Science Research Program?

Hello! I've heard of a Summer Science Research Program at Rockefeller University, which sounds like a cool opportunity. Has anyone participated in it? How was your experience? Would you recommend it?

5 months ago

This program is indeed highly regarded for its commitment to providing a real-world research experience. Students work on an independent research project under the mentorship of a distinguished researcher in an actively productive lab. This sets it apart from some other programs because it's not a simulation - it's real, active research.

Moreover, the university itself carries prestige and reputation in the field of Biological Sciences and its close-knit research community fosters collaboration across disciplines. Those facts alone may provide a beneficial networking opportunity for your future academic/career pursuits.

Though I have not personally participated, I've heard from many previous participants that they appreciated the program's weekly meetings with guest scientists and life science professionals, which gave them a broader understanding of the career paths available in the field.

Bear in mind that admission is rather competitive. But if accepted, it could be a valuable experience because it allows you to weigh your interest in research, and the kind of research you want to pursue. If you think that you're inclined toward a career in life sciences, specifically research, this program would definitely be advantageous.

5 months ago

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