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Select Military Colleges in Virginia

Hello! I live in Virginia and I've been pondering the idea of joining a military college in my state. Anyone have suggestions for the best ones around here?

5 months ago

Absolutely, Virginia has a few excellent options if you're considering a military-focused education:

1. Virginia Military Institute (VMI) in Lexington: VMI, one of the oldest military colleges in the country, offers a Bachelor's degree across 14 disciplines with three options for ROTC in Army, Navy & Marine, and Air Force.

2. The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina: Although it's not in Virginia, it's in neighboring South Carolina, and many students from Virginia decide to attend. Students here study under a strict military regimen while pursuing a degree in one of their 23 major offerings.

3. Norwich University in Northfield, Vermont: Again, not located in Virginia, but another popular choice among students from the state. Known as the birthplace of the ROTC, it offers numerous Bachelor’s degree options.

4. United States Naval Academy (Annapolis, Maryland): While this prestigious federal service academy isn't in Virginia, it's close by and an attractive choice for Virginia residents. The Naval Academy offers a technically-focused education, with a strong emphasis on military discipline.

5. Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, Virginia): Though not officially a military school, Virginia Tech maintains a strong military tradition with its Corps of Cadets program. If you're looking for a traditional university experience along with a military education, this could be a good fit.

6. Naval ROTC at UVA (Charlottesville, Virginia): The University of Virginia hosts a Naval ROTC program and might be a good fit if you're looking for a traditional university experience with a military component.

Each of these options differ in what they offer and their overall environment, so it's important to research thoroughly, visit campuses if you can, and preferably speak to students/alumni to ensure it's the right fit for you.

5 months ago

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